Hi Braden and Welcome to permies!
First of all, I want to acknowledge you and thank you for being a caretaker. To those of us who need caretakers, you are the most valuable and precious people on the planet.
I second Al's excellent response. I suffer from a rare autoimmune disease that is quite aggressive and causes much mischief in my life. Because I see a variety of doctors, naturopaths, acupuncturists, chiropractors, etc. it's necessary to keep an ongoing record of what's going on. This is also very helpful when a crises occurs (because they DO occur and this information can help save my life) or when I'm traveling. Because my friend knew I had this document, I was able to be treated quickly and effectively, even though I presented at the ER unconscious and thus not able to speak for myself.
Here's what's in my "Medical Journal"
1. My full name, date of birth, country of citizenship, current address and contact information (phones, email, etc)
2. Insurance Card and Photo ID - include front and back of all medical-related
cards (update as needed)
3. Medical History - brief chronological recounting of medical history
4. Medications and Pharmacy Information - list all medications (including herbal and vitamins), strengths, how frequently they are taken, when they are taken, where they are taken (if you have to go to an infusion center or dialysis center, for example), if they need to be taken with/without food, etc. List pharmacy information and prescription number for each and prescribing doctor. Also list why each medication is taken.
5. Allergies: Drug, Food and Other - List all known allergies to drugs and food, including things like sensitivity to latex or adhesives.
6. Past Surgeries - List type of surgery, date, doctor and hospital for each surgery.
7. Doctors and Care Provider Contact Information - List all doctors, naturopaths, chiropractors, mental health practitioners, acupuncturists, physical therapists, etc. who are involved in your care. If you have a patient advocate, list them as well. List name, specialty, phone, fax, email for each care provider.
8. Emergency Contacts - First and last names, phone numbers (home, mobile, work), email addresses, physical addresses and relationship to you of all your emergency contacts.
9. Advanced Medical Directives - Find your state's form here:
10. Latest Labs - Copies of your latest labs and any other tests or doctors notes you want to include.
11. Symptom Tracker - List any correlation between symptoms and time of day, rest, foods eaten, exercise/lack of exercise, or anything else you were asked to track by a caregiver or track for your personal information.
12. Anything specific to your unique situation. (need a translator, not a citizen, specific dietary preferences, etc).