I think it is important to have a job that is enjoyable. sometimes for some people they are able to earn a living doing what they love and they continue to love what they are doing. for some people it will change how they feel about what they are doing. I suspect a lot of this depends on what it is you love doing. I love being a mom and that doesn't pay at all, I would hate working in a school or preschool or something where I was taking care of other peoples kids but I could earn some money doing so. I also am a fiber artist and while I love fiber arts I would probably hate it if I was doing it for a living but it would depend on how much creative control I would have I guess. for my making
art is about having total creative control. at one time I thought i wanted to be an architect but I probably would be unhappy in most jobs. right now one of my thoughts on bringing in some income is that I will continue working on turning my own back
yard into a little garden of Eden and my hope is eventually we are producing more food than my family can eat and so I will
sell the extra to
local friends and acquaintances. also I think I can combine my love of fiber arts and possibly sell natural plant dye eventually since many
native dye plants grow wild all over my property.