Here in the hot, but wet climate of Georgia I am a bit perplexed about how the hugels work. I have built my hugelbeds by digging down 8-12" and using that as soil to cover the logs and
wood chips I bury. At 8-12", I hit the clay layer that underlies the southern half of Georgia, and it is very slow draining. It may take 3 or 4 days to dry up after a gullywasher, but at least I know there is water available at the bottom of the
hugelkultur. But here is where the problem comes in; I build the hugels up maybe 18-24" above grade, and the tops are dry as a bone! If I scratch into the top 3" of the hugel, it is VERY dry. It's very difficult to keep plants properly hydrated, and at the end of every day, I check for signs of water stress for the plants that are on top of the hugel. Until they grow a little, develop some
root system and get to a certain size, I have to baby them by watering them often.
However, once the root system gets down into the bulk of the logs/wood chips/organic matter, the plant really takes off. Two weeks of struggling changes over to growing like a weed. Plants on the side of the hugel seem to do well, taking less time for their exploring
roots to find the nutrients. And as for the weeds that are present at what used to be grade? It's like they are on steroids.
So I don't have an
answer to your question about where it crosses over. I like the convex beds, because the plants real low on the hugel do amazingly well. But the top of the convex part is not retaining
enough water for seedlings planted on top. And forget about seeding on top of the hugelbed. I am VERY disappointed with my results of broadcasting seed on top of a hugel. If I want seeds to sprout on the hugel, I had better plant them low down on the hill.
If you have clay layers in your subsoil, you may be in a similar situation as mine. Clay stores water very well, but if it is compacted, plant roots can't break into it and access it. I think that lots of organic matter on top of the clay helps, as the organic matter wicks up moisture and it also provides plant roots with nutrients. But it can only wick up moisture so far until the hot summer sun draws that moisture off.