Eaton Wright : I would get a second opinion on the sun angle, This is a little outside my area of knowledge, but
I understood the winter sun
should hit the glazing
on the roof at right angles, increasing the angle past your North Latitude will promote overheating during the most active part of the growing season. This would be the
smallest amount of glazing (shed roof)and the height of your back wall would be reduced, It makes no difference to the height of your back wall but Walipinies are ether
earth bermed, or dug out pits to use the earth as a Thermal flywheel, you get more bang for your buck with the increased protection of the pit thermal flywheel and your
building is not as high and you will need less insulation !
Your average low seemed high to me so I checked, and that is a good temp for Salt lake
city, but you will be colder at a higher altitude, so make sure the average temp
accurately reflects your
local conditions!
Also the percent of every day (on average ) that the temperature is below freezing is 60% that would be at night while the sun is not shining ! That is a lot of thermal mass
that must be heated during the shortest days of the year !
It is very possible that I have mis-understood your plans, and there is a good reason for increasing the angle of your glazing, but do get a second opinion! Perhaps Search
a few more Permies sites ? I will sit back and watch this one for developments
Can you go to the Permies Toolbox at the top of this page to the right of the spinning sun, click on
my profile and add your location etc. look at your 'Authors Name'
space, and L@@K at mine! More information means the advice you get is more accurate, and may help you find a near neighbor with Greenhouse/ Walioini
For the Good of the Craft ! Big AL