So I'm designing something that will grind
biochar down into smaller bits. Aiming for 1/4 inch or less.
Now, I'd like to be able to do this on a pretty large scale, I'll be clearing out at least an acre of woods and i hope to char all of it.
My first thought was to turn a
dryer into something like a large meat grinder.
I'd disconnect the motor from the dryer's drum and attach something like an auger to the motor shaft, so the auger turns but the drum stays.
Then replace the dryer door with a metal plate with holes, so the biochar would get pushed through and crumble.
I'd have a hole in the top of the dryer to
feed the char into it.
Just like a big meat grinder
Am i reinventing the wheel? Is there a better way to do this? Any input on the above design?
Anything that will help make a lot of biochar smaller is appreciated.
Thankyou much,