posted 10 years ago
As a fellow Minnesotan I can give some advice here I think.
I'm zone 4, almost 3, but i love trying to grow everything "exotic".
My garden is only a few years old, so plants/trees are relatively young still.
Do your homework, look for cultivars that boast "most cold hardy", but from multiple places.
Plant in protected spots, use microclimates, protect from wind, and try to keep trees from emerging early.
You'll have some things die, some things die back but grow, some grow but not fruit every year, etc, but it's worth it in my opinion.
Keep an eye out for natural "survivors" locally, and depend on tried and true stuff for your main crops, etc.
Oikos tree crops, badgersett, and St lawrence have good cold hardy stuff.
Maybe stick to tried and true for main crops :Apples, aronia, seaberry, bush cherry, pie cherry, and blueberries are really tough.
I've had hybrid hickory, walnut, hardy pecan, and hybrid chestnut make it several years(and through our horrific winter this past year), but no nuts yet.
Also Paw paw, american persimmon, jujube, hardy kiwi, sweet cherry, plumcot, plum, pear, schischandra, grapes and black berry all mostly rated for zone 5ish survive with some mixed results fruiting.
Unfortunately one of the things that's died on me is peach, which is similar to almond so you may be out of luck there.
Good luck, keep us posted