Hi guys, I'm very new to this
RMH stuff, but have been doing a lot of research over the last couple of weeks. I've come up with a concept that I think could work quite well in our new home. See what you think.
Our house is a steep gable with a loft main bedroom covering half the ground floor level, so we have high cathedral ceilings in one end of the house. I was thinking of having a large scale
RMH in this end of the house, but instead of incorporating a
cob bench or bed, I thought it would be good to utilize the vertical space. for the heat battery. Instead of using a 55 gallon drum as the barrel, I thought of using 600mm to 700mm diameter thick wall pipe. Maybe with a wall thickness of 12 - 15mm. I could have this go vertical for say 3 metres and capped on top with say a disk 25mm thick.. I could also weld a series of radiating fins around the circumference. Then I could have a
water storage on top of that for another 2 metres, so the total height of the heat battery would be around 5 metres. The heat riser could be around 2.8 metres high and made of cast refractory, in lock together segments of
course. I would like to exit the exhaust under the floor and out the back wall. Any thoughts on this style? Thanks for your time.