Hello again Matt:
Glad you are still holding on there. About your photos. I don't see terracing as necessarily good. In Viet Nam , Timor and Malaysia I have seen forests completely destroyed to build terraces and grow grasses i.e. rice. I know rice is a major
staple but its also a export crop.
I am always sorry when I see it now because in my lifetime I remember the wonderful topical forest which walked over steep mountains like rivers flowing uphill - recognise the quote? And held
water on land and released it slowly. Ive seen areas where terraces have collapse in Ethiopia because if the rain fails so do the crops. What's going to happen if those areas suffer droughts in climate change? People used the forests on mountains in famine times and to get more diverse diets.
I see them as taking evolution and diversity backwards. I know in many cases the home garden would meet more needs. I remember Viet Nam government saying, "Eat less rice, and diversify your diets: to the people so they'd grow taller and have fewer tropical ulcers.
I love the contour patterning it pleases my eye, and so do the Scottish highlands but ultimately permanence is reduced.
Im happy to keep talking about it.....
And amazing how terracing is a convergent strategy. Ethiopia to Viet Nam to Peru. But forests would yield more if we didn't want export crops......
Enjoy your posts and hope we can keep chatting.