Austin Shelton wrote:Leila,
I’m very intrigued by this plum tree fence you are making.. I know it’s been a while since original post but is there anyway I can see a pic or two of the progress? I have a couple prunus Americana on my property and think turning their cuttings into a fence/hedge sounds amazing!
hey, it's definitely been a while since i was posting on this thread, but i still love living fences/fedges, food walls...and have worked on a few more projects in this vein since i posted this.
unfortunately i moved, or sort of moved, i have one foot in california, one foot in massachusetts, been a lot going on in my family for the last few years so i have been on the east coast. so sort of figuring out where i am moving to, even if it's right back where i started !
maybe the fates will loop me back to california one of these days and the big fedge project i was working on there...
i can though dig through some old pics, as you are curious...
the first ones are the front fedge of plums and cherry trees mainly... it was planted with alternating cherry and plum, every other one -
but also there's grapes, fig, blueberries, raspberries, elderberries and jostaberry in those pics... and and and...lots of random flowers, strawberries, herbs, tons of st john's wort and evening primrose, poppies, etc, lots of etc...this living fence was so long and thin, it was very hard to get a full picture of it, it was partly privacy fence to block the road in the very front of the
...but there's some showing most of it in a few pics--->
then a few of the back fence, mainly cherry and roses, with one edge in blackberries in the back of the garden....and the raspberry, grape, passionflower and serviceberry fence around the front of the garden...made with
cattle panels
and then also i have some other pics of projects i have worked on...very old pics...of the willow, blackberry and kiwi.....with elderberry and thimbleberry fedge project...BUT this is probably
enough for now. ok a bit too much...but perhaps you will enjoy them =)
if i ever think of it i will someday take some updated pics...and it may take me a minute but i will look and see if i have some even older pics...where my friends made a small plum fence using long branches...i think i have an overview pic somewhere that has their small plum fedge in it... just by taking very long thick "cuttings" more like huge pieces...and made half circles with them, putting both ends in the ground. it was really very neat and as far as i know is still there...probably tall by now. the way they did grew branches out of the half circles...and was very decorative as well as edible =)