Wesley johnsen wrote:i found a product that cleanses and heals the nervous system and they told me it heals the mind. but my question is how do physical herbe heal the mind depending on what type do so if the mind is spiritual? like what is the difference between the mind and brain? if there seperate then why do they talk about say creating a neuro pathway in the brain for learning and stuff?
The nervous system, as I understand it, does not get dirty and need cleansing. Its an electrical system. The colon can retain fecal matter depending on diet and exercise, and can be cleaned. I wouldn't give this website any money, they sound like they're full of fecal matter!
Philosophers and scientists have debated the nature of mind and brain for many centuries. The matter is not settled, but we do know that the mind and brain are plastic, they can change. And they don't need drugs to change, meditation, exercise, sunshine on the forehead in the morning and
enough sleep, healthy food, all these things should be in place before considering medicine, in my opinion. These things are sure to benefit, well supported by science, and mostly free!
Do you have something that you think is wrong with your nervous system?