Kenny Garcia wrote:So im looking to buy from a company who is ethical and treats the enviornment in a good way... Im looking to buy a pocket knife but i would prefer to buy from someone who i agree with ethically. I wonder if there is anyone out there who produces pocket knives and helps the enviorment by either donating money or somehow producing knives with the least amount of harm on the earth.]
Any body who knows i would greatly appreciate your input!!
Patrick Roehrman
MT Knives
Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
Kenny Garcia wrote:Ya well what im looking to do is buy from a company that treats the environment in a good way. Its not so much about the knife as it is about who produces the knife and how they produce it. Im trying to spend my money on companies that i can ethically agree with.
Now i know making a knife requires extracting metals from the ground and a lot of processing. But if there is a company that maybe does it locally or responsibly. I know that is pretty high standards but if there is a company that does do that than i want to support them!! haha
Also even if its not the most enviormentally friendly if they support cause too reforest areas or support permaculture in any way or donates money to causes that help the enivornment or are B certified than ill support them rather than going to my local wal mart.
Hope that helps clarify,
All the best,
Patrick Roehrman
MT Knives
Patrick Roehrman wrote:
Well I make knives but I don't know if I would fit into what you are looking for. However I don't make pocket knives yet, they are in the works probably next year.
I prefer carrying a neck knife. I carry a pocket knife also but only as a backup.
We live on just under 10 acres and raise our own chickens, dairy cows, goats and horses. The plan is to try and grow most our own food, but that is pretty challenging. I am hoping to implement some permaculture into are farm but I am finding it is a challenge to get my work done. 10 acres is enough work for 10 people lol.
I like the ideal of looking for an old knife. I have a knife that I am going to be doing a post on how to repair or replace the handle on. I feel one of the most important skills is knowing how to sharpen a knife.
Knives will always get dull no mater how good the knife is, even ceramic knives will get dull but it is the knowledge and skill of sharpening that allows your knife to save time, energy, and remain a useful tool!
Good luck on your search for a knife!
Wow thats quite an undertaking!! How long have you lived on there for???
Ya okay thats pretty cool ya you know ive been thinking of getting a knife for a while how much do they go for???
Ya let me know if you ever do decide to make some pocket knives i would definitely be interested!! And ya i agree i mean i want a knife that i can call my own and sharpen it and take care of it. That would be pretty cool.
But ya if you have a website give me the link for your knives... or you can just message me or email me at
All the best,
Patrick Roehrman
MT Knives
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