I will throw in my 2 cents on refridgeration.
First that fourmileisland ice box sounds great. I am sure it works well for him. You first must have a climate that will freeze a large
enough mass to get you through the summer, fall until it can all freeze again, the size of the unit is monstorus, not likely something backward compatable into existing homes, you would I think need to build for it. The weight alone of just the frozen
water is 1550 pounds, something like 186 gallons of water, cost back in 1981 for materials was somewhere around 1000.00 It would be a great deal more now (how much?? guessing 2500-3000). It used r134a I dont know if thats still available. I have been tempted to go this way but, improvements in fridge construction are really coming along.
Right now at Home depot there is a fridge 17 or 18 cuft that is claimed to use 300kwh/y.
That is only .8kh/day. That is good for a full size fridge (with freezer up top) Now this fridge is like all now days frost free, and I would guess has door gasket
heaters as well (I have found most do, yea its crazy heaters on a fridge) If you buy a aftermarket temperature controler you can plug your fridge into this controler, then the controler to the wall, run the temperature sense bulb into the fridge part, tape or glue it to the side wall, and now set the temp you want on the controler.
What you are now doing is controling power to the fridge, in effect pluging it in when needed, and unpluging it when not. What this
should do is defeat the timer ccts that are built in to turn on door seal heaters and defrosting heaters. You will now have a fridge that is not frost free, you will need to defrost it manually now, and again, but I am guessing that on average that should drop its daily operating cost down to about .6 maybe .65kwh/d.
That is very good and if you are happy stop there, But you can go further.
Now for a little better performance ( I am only guessing/have not tested this) plug the temperature controller into a 24 hour timer, set the timer to turn off at 10pm, and on at 8 or so. allways keep the freezer full(even jugs of water) and it should coast through the night. Yes when it powers up The compressor will run longer than normal to bring the unit back down to your set point, but I suspect its operation is more efficient if running longer than it is cycling on, and off a bunch of times (If anyone knows different please correct my theory). Now we could be down to .52, .55 kwh/d
That is good and if happy, stop there, but if you wish to go further then do what I have done.
My fridge is older, 4 or 5 years old. It used something like 400 kwhs a year. This model has a large freezer on top 5.5 cuft or so. I used the same temperature controler I suggested, but I put the sense bulb into the freezer compartment. I plugged up the holes that the cold air blew down through to get into the fridge. So I now had a 5.5 cuft fridge at head height that uses .266kwh/day (200 watts of
solar , and 2 hours of sunlight would run it)
That is very good. I know people think thats small, but it is not so, I just never had to think when I used the whole fridge. I still can use the space below for storage. This all requires no permanent changes to the fridge, and very little work to do. I like little work.
Now I am still thinking of how to improve this, and have some ideas to try ....but my to do list is long right now..maybe by next winter I will see if I can do more.
I should add that in doing this mod it turns out the freezer part that I now use as a fridge is frost free...doesnt make sense but I have never needed to defrost it as I expected I would?