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Courtney Jarman wrote:My partner and I have spent a couple years building an off-grid house in wisconsin and we are moving in next week. I just setup the solar and it's working great so far. I've attached my wiring diagram in case anyone is interested. Note that we actually have a 250A battery to inverter breaker, not 175. Fat cable is 2/0, unlabeled is 4awg (except the small looking cable going from positive bus bar to 250 breaker- I doubled up 4awg in lieu of a 2/0 spot on that busbar.) Panels are bifacial about 450 watts max each. Inverter is Victron Multiplus 2000W. Three 206 Ah 12V SOK Li Iron batteries in parallel. 2 MPPT 150/100 victron controllers.
We have an old crappy freezer that I don't want to bring on site. I'm choosing one now. I've gone through the older permies posts on freezer/refridgerators to get some ideas. We do plan on having an ice box/house and also using a cold room most of the year for refrigeration, we will start out continuing to use the big cooler we've used for a couple years. Maybe use a fridge in summer when extra sun. I'm about to purchase a freezer asap and here is what I've found.
DC options:
Most DC options are mindbendingly expensive and have a 1 year warranty and are not really locally repairable which makes me scoff at them initially. It's nice to turn off the inverter, but we will do that anyway at night even with an AC freezer- keep it full and inside, eventually in root cellar, it won't defrost overnight. And I'll get a cheap backup inverter. I could go smaller on the freezer and keep a bigger one off site but these are my initial options. I may be wrong so I'm wondering:
-Are DC freezers repairable or their parts replaceable? Does anyone have experience with this for, say, the Sundanzer brand? This might change my mind
Sundanzer DCRF384:
-13 c ft
-about 63-70 Ah/day
not available at moment (big back order)
AC options
I read here that Danby freezers are pretty decent. I'm looking at Danby 11 cu ft freezer
Pros are that it would be locally repairable, cheaper, better warranty, about as much energy, and available. Cons - a bit smaller and needs an inverter.
11 c ft
55-60 Ah/day
Thoughts anyone? We've spent the initial cash on a decent solar system, so why not use the AC and turn off at night? Am I wrong about repairability? As I mentioned the inverter is pretty efficient and we have oversized the batteries for our needs. This would be our largest year round appliance.
Thank you!
Courtney Jarman wrote:We do plan on having an ice box/house and also using a cold room most of the year for refrigeration, we will start out continuing to use the big cooler we've used for a couple years. Maybe use a fridge in summer when extra sun.
Works at a residential alternative high school in the Himalayas . "Back home" is Cape Cod, E Coast USA.
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