I am wondering about capstones. Could I use the longest of our blocks, with the length in the face, just on top? Would this serve the purpose of a cap or would it still contribute to weakness?
Here are your options.
1. Find the proper capping material. I was taught that, "if you can kick a stone with a booted foot, and it moves, it's too small to be a cap stone."
2. Carve and fit smaller stones to form a monolithic capping.
3. Worse case and considered poorer quality, is to use a hidden mortar bed under the capstones to give them uniformity, and homogeneity.
Your capping should be able to take being kicked, stomped, run on, and generally endure getting the "snot kicked out of it," without moving. Capping is the "clamp" that helps hold everything together.
Why is this in the
permaculture section and not in the building section?