Hi, my name is Tami, I'm a 61 year old female who wants to get away from the system within this country who's same goal is to kill steal and destroy..I am not a material person, I don't have anything really, just the joy of meeting new people and making friends, I'm desperate to get out of ks I'm going to sante fe new Mexico in march the 1st week but I don't want to come back..it's very very expensive to rent even a studio apt but I was going to get a Jon and I get a disability check every month and I thought that and a job would sustain me, but finding a place to stay for more than a month to get on my feet is not
enough.. I was going to just get a tent and pack a backpack and just start walking through the southwest looking for a place to hide away..I'm cooped up in my apt here all the time because of the weather..I don't know what I need or have to do in order to live in a off grid community I bet that that takes a lot of money to do too..I'm trying to save my own life and I can't find anywhere to go where I can just be one with the land ..