Mike McM. : A couple of things to help bring you up to speed! First came the Rocket Cook Stove which was created ~45 years ago~ as a needed replacement
for outdoor 3-rock cooking fires that are closely linked to 750.000 word wide deaths of children 5 and under, and the 1/2 million children of the same age who
become permanently blind as a result of exposure to
wood smoke a powerful Oxidizer of skin, mucus membranes, and retinal tissues !
Most All of these children could be saved from blindness with 5 cents worth of Vitamin A eye drops month -or- the simple adoption of the clean burning Rocket
stove that burns a fraction of the wood that is used up in 3-rock cooking fires ! with a major drop in deaths of pre 5 yr old children ! This type of 'stove' is loved
by Preppers, Zombie Hunters, and Survivalists, and generally is made of tin cans with loose fill dirt for insulation !
When you have a chance to study the
Rocket Mass Heater Document you will see that the pocket rocket came next, a ''for outdoor use'' heater loved by people
on picket lines and ice fishers, it burns very hot and cleanly, but, with no heat storage -you are cold as soon as the fire goes out !
Next came the
Rocket Mass Heater with the adaptation of a vertically loaded self feeder, and meant for indoor radiant space heating! The incredible draft created
by the adaptation of a Heat Riser made it possible to push the hot exhaust gases 50 ' horizontally through the Thermal Mass of an 8'' RMH system !
Hopefully this will make distinguishing the various Rockets, by type much easier, and easier still as you read " The Book" ! For the Good of the craft! Big AL