Bloom where you are planted.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Bloom where you are planted.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Bloom where you are planted.
Brenda Groth wrote:
i have been attempting for months now to come by some straw or hay, very difficult to find around here, even during haying season..but i'm determined.. we used to have a guy that had rye straw and he would sell us his excess..but he no longer has it avail. Maybe i can get some from the Amish..? not likely..i'm sure they use their own
all the wood products now go to the cogen plant and they are talking about opening a bioplant nearby which will gobble up more of the natural resources that once were widely avail
My Blog, Natural History and Forest Gardening
"Listen everybody, to what I gotta say, there's hope for tomorrow, if we wake up today!" Ted Nugent
"Suck Marrow" Henry D Thoreau
Synergy wrote:
In the horse industry there is massive waste of used bedding comprised of wood shaving or sawdust, manure and urine . Horse breeders also foal out onto straw for hygeine purposes so networking you might locate some free used straw that has horse waste as well if you are willing to get it and haul it away. It might take some calls and networking to find it locally. Also feed dealerships do have the odd bad bale of hay with mildew they might be happy to offer you free (or even the stables themselves).
Your posts on your property are an inspiration : )
Bloom where you are planted.
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