Cows and pigs do love apples! They also think baby
apple trees are pretty tasty.
For growing in the pasture for self harvest, you really need to protect young trees for 6' in height or so around
cattle. An established tree
should be able to provide a nice supply of apples.
A few considerations:
- plant these out of the way - in corners and along fencelines usually help.
- plant a good seasonal mix - it's hardest to find a good early
apple, so you might seek out a yellow transparent or Dolgo crab for an early drop.
- Prefer the smaller and softer apples, since cattle can choke on the fruit - they are not great at chewing (not an issue for pigs..)
Consider some plums in the same way: faster growing trees with heavy fruit load and no risk of choking death -- also better for growing in those soggy wet areas we seem to have in abundance in the Northwest...