We are located in semi-arid Kenya and have a major problem of
chicken diseases that sweep through areas killing huge amounts of
chickens. My neighbors are rather poor and the loss of their
chickens is pretty problematic and a barrier to their creating a viable business and moving up in the world. What tropical resources do people have for disease prevention other than vaccinations? Eventually I want to take the oodles of
experience we are getting and turn it into a picture guide for
sustainable farm management for farmers (many illiterate). Resources and advice would be awesome!!! We have currently lost half of our babies even with them on a vaccination schedule, on a diet of black fly larvae, coconut, chicken food, and greens, and on an anti-biotic. There are folk recipes such as boiled quinine
root or a mix of chili pepper, quinine, aloe vera and this crazy tuber that I don't know how the show the picture of but you can go here
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152055494493871&set=a.10151988787493871.1073741830.642178870&type=3&theater to see. If anyone has seen any studies on this. Or a good guide on tropical diseases and prevention. Most of the information I find is for commercial production which is not realistic for people like my neighbors who cannot afford to contain their chickens and sanitize everything. Thank you!