I'm still loosing birds to a hawk and possible other aerial predators. I've moved them to an area with a lot of brushy growth, but an still loosing birds. How the hawk is able to catch them I'm not sure. There is long-ish clearing a few feet wide so I suspect the hawk was able to strike the hen in the clear and maybe just rode her under the brush to finish the job and enjoy the meal.
chicken tractor concept will not work for me as I have partially wooded areas, not real pasture. The move-able electric
fence worked really well until this year until it turned into a hawk feeder. Trying to put a top on a movable paddock arrangement is not something I can see a way to do easily.
At this point I'm getting desperate as I am loosing them faster than I can repopulate the flock. I don't mind loosing a few as a hawk is good for other things as well (rodent population) but this rate is way too high.