A few days ago I posted a reply in this
thread https://permies.com/t/16495/paleo/Avoid-Wheat
Specifically, I was replying to an article (
http://www.infowars.com/the-hidden-culprit-behind-wheat-sensitivity/) that was linked to in the thread. The author of the article expressed his opinion that the main problem people are having with wheat intolerance is the use of herbicides on the wheat (specifically one brand name that we are all familiar with).
Since I live in a part of the country that produces A LOT of wheat I proceeded to ask family and friends if this particular practice was actually happening with the production of wheat. The feedback I received was "this kind of happens but not anywhere on the scale the article makes it sound".
I then went on in that thread to describe this in detail so people could have an accurate understanding to how wheat is currently being produced. My post was put on probation because of my mention of herbicides and how they are being used currently.
I completely understand the need to restrict the discussion of toxic sprays because people will often derail conversations when they come and say things like "OMG that idea will never work, you MUST spray something toxic because that is the ONLY way". I agree that those kinds of things need to be kept off of Permies.
However, in my post I was not advising/recommending anyone to use sprays, how to apply sprays or that sprays are good at all. I was merely describing the current practices with wheat production and how they relate to the wheat intolerance discussion. In my opinion, it is very important that people have ALL the information regarding this topic so they can make well-informed decisions when it comes to health.
I would really appreciate it if one of the staff members could review the post again and let me know how I can modify the post in such a way to not lose any of the content and specifics that I was using as a rebuttal to that specific article.