scott bendtson wrote:I am putting together a off the grid solar set up. I'm doing it piece by piece when I find deals. So far I have 1300 watts of panels and 20 225ah 6 volt batteries. I won't be installing these panels until this summer. My question is that I need to charge these batteries while they are in storage and I don't know what charger I should use. I would like to get one that i will use when off the grid to use with my generator. I have been looking at inverter/chargers but My home will have minimal a/c use so I won't need much of an inverter and they are expensive. Could I use a regular household charger if so witch one?
scott bendtson wrote:Thank you for your replies. I haven't thought about using five different charge controllers and wiring it the way you described. I like that just for the fact if something breaks it's cheaper to replace one of the controllers instead of a large expensive one. I guess I may have worded my question wrong. What I was looking at finding out is what type of charger should I use to top off the batteries or charge them completely when hooked up to a generator. I was looking at inverters/chargers but they are pricey. Just recently I stumbled upon perhaps using a rv converter/charger (converts Genny ac to DC) what would your recommendation be? Im very new to all of this and have been learning allot as I go. Thanks for the help
scott bendtson wrote:They are schuco 245 watt 24 volt. Wont the trickle charger take a really long time to charge vs using a higher amperage converter charger?
scott bendtson wrote:They are schuco 245 watt 24 volt. Wont the trickle charger take a really long time to charge vs using a higher amperage converter charger?
Zach Muller wrote:Hey Steve I am briefly looking around at small wind turbines. Are there any in particular that you have seen working well for people charging battery banks of this size?
scott bendtson wrote:I guess the reason for they Genny would be when we get multiple days of little sun. I was thinking of using the generator to charge the batteries and supply power to the house until they are charged. Luckily I have already planned on not much power usage especially on ac. I will have a propane fridge, hot water, cook top with Wood for heat. As many DC items as possible like water pump, tv and led lights. The inverter would only be used for very intermittent use. I will probably pick up a few more panels soon because they are a great deal. I haven't really thought about wind energy mostly because I have been focused on learning about solar. I did look into small turbines but the reviews on them were not good.
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