Hey Rick,
So I have done so much double digging in my life. It works pretty well. I avoid it at all costs. Especially if you have rocky silt. Bone jarring KUHCHUNKS get old quick. And then painful.
There are a bunch of other ways to do stuff.
1) High clay seed balls. I suggested this earlier this year and decide to play with it this spring (it's spring here) These work. Mix clay and compost and some seed. Then roll the ball
isin seeds. It
should be sticky slick wet. Go pretty large. The Rain will melt them into the ground. It works. Downside: uses more seed and seed aint cheep.
2) Mulch. You can use this in conjunction with Seed balls. You can seed ball on top of mulch. Especially if you use larger balls. Mulch is awesome. Mulch is cheep. Use mulch
3) Poultry squish. This works better on clays, but will also work on silts and sands. Concentrate web footed poultry on the space you want to garden. Feed them. Let them compact and crap and dig until the desired area is fairly bare. It won't take long if they are confined. You can do this on top of mulch. And use seed balls.
Anyhow, Digging and lots of other stuff works well too. But there are some ways which don't involve any. I use a mix of techniques personally depending on what I'm trying to accomplish and where.
Hope that helps some.