Hau,Stephen, congratulations on your first post!
I will make the presumption that you are talking about Bald Cypress
wood chips, since you are in the south like me.
I recommend that you get some litmus papers and then take a sample of the cypress wood chips, put these in a jar and fill with pure
water (not tap water) shake and let soak for a few days then open the jar and dip a piece of litmus paper in to get the pH of the liquid.
This will tell you the acidity of the liquid, which will let you know how suitable the chips are for your intended purpose.
Usually I find that it is the bark of the Bald Cypress that contains the most acidity and even that is high enough to make drastic changes to soil pH.
I have also noted that the bark is what can create Allopathic reactions to seedling growth.
Trees that are already well developed usually don't exhibit a lot of Allopathic sensitivity to cypress bark.
I would recommend blending all three types of wood chips before laying them down as a mulch. This way you are diluting the cypress chips in a manner of speaking.