I am a keeper that enjoys keeping
bees in different hives and management styles. I also collect
beekeeping books and videos. I have nearly 50 books and 12 videos in my library. It is common for a keeper to ask me about the "best" book for one style of beekeeping or another. It is hard to pick the best and explain why, but here is my attempt. I am sure every keeper has their own favorites and will feel I have left some out I
should have included.
At the Hive Entrance, by H. Storch. In my opinion, the number one book for keepers. Mr. Storch describes bee behaviors and situations observed from outside the hive indicating conditions within the hive. This book has been translated from German and is an excellent book on this subject. To develope the ability to read conditions and situations within a hive without opening it, is (in my opinion) one of the greatest skill all beekeepers can have.
Better Beekeeping, by Kim Flottum. The best book on the subject of, "the state of the union" of main stream beekeeping, but of interest to all forms of beekeeper. It is a -how to- book, but Mr. Flottum is unapologetic and straight forward about the problems and concerns of the business of modern beekeeping. Regardless of the style of hive you keep, this is an excellent book for becoming a successful keeper.
Natural Beekeeping with the Warre Hive, by David Heaf. The Warre keeper's how to book by the "father" of modern day Warre hive beekeeping. The only book I know with this depth of Warre hive management. The first book every Warre keeper's library should have is this one.
Honeybee Democracy, by Dr. Thomas Seeley. Fascinating book, you will not think about bees the same again after reading it. Dr Seeley is a scientist from Cornell University. Incredible read on how the bees work together and make decisions as a colony, very little about beekeeping- This book is about bees. Dr. Seeley is arguably the foremost authority on the swarming behavior of honeybees. His chapters on swarming and catching swarms is worth the price of the book alone. What makes his book special is that he doesn't write as a scientist. His style is as if he was taking you along as a friend on his work.
The Thinking Beekeeper, by Christy Hemenway. If you have a Top Bar or want to get one, I highly recommend this book. I have not found a more user friendly book on Top Bar keeping.
Keeping Bees With A Smile: A Vision and Practice of Natural Apiculture, by Fedor Lazutin. This is a book about a different style of hive, the Horizontal Hive. Mr. Lazutin is an experienced natural bee keeper and his book really makes one want to try a Horizontal Hive. The Chapter- "How Bee Colonies Winter, and How to Make Wintering as Successful as Possible" is incredibly valuable information. Since winter is our most challenging season to keep our bees alive, this chapter alone will benefit any keeper.
I have to add as one of the best videos in my collection as Corwin Bell's DVD
Alternative Beekeeping Using the Top Bar Hive and The Bee Guardian Methods He has it available at his website.
http://www.backyardhive.com/ It is a very complete and professionally produced
video by a leader in the field of Top Bar keeping.
The last I checked, the books in this list are all available on Amazon.
Happy reading,