i am now working over here in india with my
project called the mother who plants
The first project that I did i used something they call givamritam which is a liquid made from cow dung, cow
urine, molasses, and a little bit of good soil (different recipes abound) fermented for 3 days. trenches were dug and i flattened some of the earth which was mainly subsoil and planted, 5 or 6 items including legumes (my current practice is 1/2 legumes) some herbs, tomatoes, eggplant, as well as maize all from seed. Maize was the only hybrid plant as i do not believe hybrids are resilient. I could not find any nonhybrid maize, and the farmer wanted maize for his cows. This was over a 5 acre area. There was no way to
water these plants. I had the great idea that the microbes alone would
feed the plants as well as transfer to them the water that they needed. I did not have organic material for 5 acres of
land. (we were planting 6 ft strips every 24 feet throughout the 5 acres so considerably less actual land. coconuts were the overstory crop.
there were several periods of mist several times a week and one rain where me and the rest of the workers came out of the rain for about 15 minutes. the crops grew magnificiently, very green, and lush. In a 50 foot area I actually top fed some
compost which was available as a control). it consisted of coire and rotted cow manure. I had to haul it hundreds of yards and there was not a lot of it. for the first week, the corn planted with the compost shot up and looked significantly better than the other corn. that
led me to put on another dose of the givumritam. Because there was so little water, I also put on some cow wash the farmer made several days later. this was unfermented cow manure mixed with cow urine.
Everything grew exceedingly well. i have been growing with microbe innoculations with great results for many years. i am always told that it only works if there is
enough organic material to feed the microbes. i have never questioned this as especially with the 650 victory gardens that i did, we were using people's back yards and there was a lot of grass which though we removed, i was aware that there was still a lot of organic material from the
roots available. in this instance though with only subsoil, there was no organic material that i could see right there. the strips were between coconut tress. under the coconut trees, there were a lot of weeds so on the edge of the strips, the microbes had access to the weeds.
When I heard this interview by Nicholas Burtner with Elaine Ingram and she was talking about these experiments they performed back in the 80's in the lab feeding the plants nothing but protozoa, bacteria, fungi, etc and their results, i felt it gave me some answers. would love to hear what anyone else has to say about this.
World Changer Interview Series – Nicholas Burtner Interviews Elaine Ingham
World Changer Interview Series - Nicholas Burtner Interviews Elaine...
School of PermacultureFri, April 3, 2015 8:06amURL:Embed:The world’s leading soil scientist and crea...