These are just really clever wasps. I've had 4 different kinds of wasp traps set up. The first one was a bag that you add water to. After a week, I found a honey bee in it. I took that one down and Mae 2 of my own from pop bottles. One had hotdogs and jam. They wouldn't go near it. The other had Pepsi left in the bottom of it and they haven't as much as sniffed at it. I bought one of those glass ones and put
apple cider vinegar and sugar and salt in it and haven't caught any.
I made a soapy solution and sprayed 5 or six nests in the evening and the next day, they are back but now I don't know where their nests are. It's very frustrating. I carry my electric swatter with me at all times when I'm in the back tard and I go to the garden where they like to congregate on my vegetables and carefully get them when they are a safe distance from any honey bees. Those things are so prolific that the next day, there are at least as many. I've never seen anything like this before. It finally rained yesterday so that may have made a difference for a while but when the sun came out, so did the wasps. Something got the bees all excited. I'm not sure if it was just because they were cooped up in the hive all morning g dye to the rain, or if the wasps were attacking but they were all over the
yard and especially around their entrance. It seemed like they wee upset so I didn't get too close to find out what was going on. So far I haven't been stung and it's been over a month since we got them. We've been checking inside the hive once a week to see how much progress they've made and if they need another box. Last week we added another box because they only had 1.5 frames left to fill in the first box. We will try changing to a bottom board today but I'm worried about disturbing them too much.