I wish I would have seen this sooner! My companions and I have found a situation which we are committed to until mid-Jan 2010. However, after that, we will be wanting a communal
permaculture homestead/community-type place for we three and our two well-behaved cats to set up a life of ecological and social fecundity! What are your plans past March or April? We are looking for a place to settle/bunker down long-term.
I, Saralin, am a 28-year-old female veteran, recent graduate of a
PDC in Indiana, and avid student of ecology and crazy locavore, skilled in food preparation/preservation, GIS, AutoCAD and surveying. Able-bodied. Side-interests include ancient wisdom and practices (philosophy, qigong/yoga.)
My view of the other two:
Julian is a 32-year-old writer, artist, musician and
permaculture landscaper skilled in masonry and organic farming with specific interest in neurotheology.
Courtney is a 20-year-old student and seeker of a
sustainable, fulfilling way of life with an interest in living communally and food security, along with hooping, acting, earth-cycle awareness/integration, ect.
Pika & Jojo: 10-12 year old Persian cats skilled in tension-relief techniques with specific interest in growing catnip.
Other than our passion & skills, we have a new thermosyphon 40-gal water-heater to contribute, a large van, and lots of food prep equipment, and enough income/savings to feed ourselves & pay bills for basically as long as it takes to begin generating what we need cooperatively.
If we seem like a potential match, please be in touch so we can work out the details!