Shoots at twice the speed of a slingshot but fits into your pocket and looks like a toy. Costs $ 25
I (unfortunately still) live in an apartment and cannot keep
rabbits. At least not humanely. I certainly have neither time nor funds to
feed them properly. But there are dunes nearby where one finds hundreds hopping around in the early hours. Now if i walked around with anything larger than the Pocket Shot Slingshot i'd probably get arrested. Yeah, i'd get arrested if someone caught me shooting a rabbit, too, but avoiding that is about being careful.
This device could also be used as a humane way of dispatching a rabbit you wish to slaughter.
Sustainable: check
Healthy: check
Humane: check
I like crossbows but i'm not sure how legal they will be in many situations. I also learned that the small ones are considered especially evil by 'law enforcement' agencies; apparently having to do with that they are readily concealable, which is ironic when one considers how much less powerful they are.
I love
this one
since it looks like something i could build myself. But the
vertical crossbow really has me excited.
I've this book written by a Dutchman [so, sorry, i can't link to an English source] that explains in detail how to make a bow with just about any
wood. So this idea was new to me: it does not take any special kind of wood! If you know what you're doing, you just adjust the size and shape of the bow to suit the wood and it practically does not make all that big a difference in how the bow will function or how heavy it will be. Good to know.
When it comes to 'guns',
my research suggests the
12 gauge shotgun may be a superior choice, especially due to it's versatility.
Other than this i consider a tomahawk [especially one with detachable handle], machete, and of
course a good knife essential. I'm talking affordability, practicality, usefulness, versatility, legalities, self-defense, as well as for survival situations.
There's hunting, but when you're out somewhere and it's just you and the dark outside, what will make you feel safe, especially at night? My hand-held crossbow won't kill a moose but it'll make a thief think twice, even if it's just known that i have it with me, right?