The plant IS asiatic dayflower, but it is NOT Tradescantia species. (That is the problem with using common names.) It is actually Comelina communis and it is an edible plant. We have it all over our garden,
chicken and goat yards. It is prolific to the point of invasiveness, but if you like salads and cooked greens, you can just eat the weeds and keep it in check. It is slightly mucilaginous, so if you don't like things like okra or sweet potato leaves, Malabar spinach or cactus pads, you may not care for this either. Personally, I love it -- I'm having it in a salad even as I write this!
I forgot to add that it is, indeed. a dye plant -- yielding a true, brilliant blue dye. That is a rarity among dye plants. The only thing is that it is nor very color-fast and fades significantly in sunlight. Just use it for evening wear and you'll be fine!