wendy Shairs wrote:cedar or quince rust.....on 3 apples and a quince....any suggestions?
how much space do you need for a hazelnut guild with 2 trees??? and what would you suggest go with them?
How close are the cedar trees and how many are there?
where are they in relation to the prevailing winds?
Does the quince have the same looking rust spots as the
apple trees?
With out knowing the answers to those questions, I really can't give good advice on rust prevention, cure methods.
Hazelnut trees
should be a minimum of 15' between trunks (20' is better), this spacing goes for any number of hazelnut trees, the spacing is measured in all directions.
just about any shallow rooting crop plants will do fine in a nut orchard as long as you maintain the tree
drip lines as the borders of the plantings.