Todd McDonald wrote:Grant,
Do you have a specific thought process you go through to decide whether to terrace, swale or do nothing? I am in central Missouri and have a very similar climate to you in Iowa and I am having a hard time deciding which approach to take.
There's a multitude of factors, so rather than say the overused phrase "it depends" - I'll throw a few visuals out there.
The main factor: What are you DOING with the land? What is it producing?
YES if annualized tillage e.g. annual vegetables. Keep slope under 2% in both directions in an annual vegetable bed. It is worth the
energy expenditure to build a true terrace to keep soil onsite.
NO if
perennial cover and no existing erosion issues
1) Increase infiltration rate e.g. subsoil rip on contour to SINK
water into soil profile fast.
2) Increase retention time e.g. build swales and
berms on contour that will hold water on a site letting it soak in over hours or days instead of shunting off the surface and downslope.
Do you see large swings in precipitation volume throughout the course of the year? Is drought an issue? Then YES.
Is the water table so high that
root rot is an issue? Perhaps you need raised beds instead and drainage is a good thing.