John thanks for the notice, I don't live in Indiana but I am sure a ton of permies do.
I used your post as a search perimeter to find some other states seedling information
and a ton of information is readily available. Different names for different areas. Some
show great information, others not so much. Being from Iowa originally I saw a news
article about them having trouble with declining orders. Many states have a minimum
amount a customer needs to order, some have a dollar amount minimum. I'm sure all
these have work arounds, especially if you have neighbors interested in the same stuff
you are. Also most are date specific for time of year they take orders, others till they
run out.
Here is the google search I did with
State Nursery "seedling orders"
in the search box.
Montana They have one of the work-arounds for small
farm owners in the Flathead area.
Colorado (part of it)
Funding/Grant Info Colorado
New Hampshire
NH Order/Description Catalog
West Virginia
WV News Clip
WV Order Page
Pennsylvania links
PA Ordering Information
South Carolina
Kentucky Coffee Tree Information
I added this because I thought, "How neat!" (Be sure to roast though, they are toxic otherwise.)