I went for a walk in the woods to pick up some blackberry canes, and saw a few plants I was pretty happy to be able to identify, albeit not with absolute certainty.
I think I saw a lot of Chokeberry (aka Aronia) that is supposed to be one of these forgotten superfoods of North America. I didn't take any pictures of those since I already have one growing in the
yard, but I have some pictures of some others.
My guess at the first one is red currant.
The second one I mistook for pawpaw. I was hoping to stumble across some growing in the wild and so got a bit over-optimistic, although it does look a bit similar. I knew it wasn't pawpaw though, because all over the
trees a lot of foliage looked yellow and eaten. Does anyone know what it is?
And the third one just plan looks interesting, does anyone know what it is?
If that is red currant, what would be the best way to get a plant growing for myself from the wild ones, short of digging one up?
Thank you,
(I don't see my pictures in the "preview" but hope that they will upload once I post, although I think the first time I posted pictures they were visible in the preview.)