I love how the Fiskars split wood!
The only drawback to the Fiskars line of axes/mauls in my opinion is the inability to change a handle. Yes, the handles can be broken, no, they won't replace it under warranty if you break it: "You had to be using it for an un-intended purpose." Is what I've been told after 3 handles. No axe or maul
should be made with a hammer shaped poll if they don't intend for it to hammer wedges and the like... Those handles will break right at the head after a while even just driving plastic felling wedges. It's happened to me
enough that I would call it a design flaw.
All that being said, I do still own 3 versions of Fiskars and that get used very regularly by my whole family.
I'll admit that I actually don't use the axes at home but only because I'm a tool snob and like using my Gransfors Bruks axes even more, but my wife and kids aren't allowed to touch those, hence not retiring the Fiskars completely.
"Instead of Pay It Forward I prefer Plant It Forward" ~Howard Story / "God has cared for these trees, saved them from drought, disease, avalanches, and a thousand tempests and floods. But he cannot save them from fools." ~John Muir
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