Anyone out there know of a low-cost
online North American (cold climate)
PDC course that I can while away my winter hours completing? I'd ask about no-cost/open source courses, but I honestly don't think any such courses exist...contrary I find, to what I believe
permaculture should be all about! Lots of resources out there yes, for which I am grateful, but where's the "all encompassing" paradigm shift in consciousness regarding sharing the surplus (in this case, of information)? Some things are just too slow to evolve, I guess! I am as poor as the next "dirt farmer", but why all the emphasis on the next new "income stream" once that
PDC certificate is in hand, and the widely diverse fees for varying courses? Not everyone wants to make a career and income out of it; not every "instructor" may be worth the advertised "fee", either in content, quality or delivery. And how are these North American courses, instructors, or new "graduates" regulated or "certified" anyway? Is there an official "authority"/"governing body" and if so, does every PDC course get a stamp of authority from those bodies? For me, I'd just like to have some guidance in planning, designing and implementing some
permaculture applications on my property with the skilled eye and advice of someone who has been there, experienced a few mistakes (or a whole lot of them), and is willing to pass their knowledge forward. I'm just too old and far to uninterested in creating my own flawed "empire", and would be humbled and satisfied in leaving a better
footprint behind. Just some thoughts and inadvertent ramblings this morning....
' truly own anything we must first of all give it away'. (
Bill Mollison)