I've looked around online and everything I've read seems to be really sketchy info or just not much whatsoever. What I'm wanting to know is the real nitty gritty of homesteading in the state(which means any issues wherever they maybe), could someone help me out with this?
We do more than give information, we try to teach how to solve the problems of Homesteading.
Our mission is to develop and improve
Sustainable Living Process & Products in the areas of:
Water, and Food. Most of our designs are for people living in urban areas. But regardless of where a person lives they will be able to use our designs. They can live on a farm, have a homestead, be on a ranch, in the suburbs, in an apartment, or be in a condo.
Click Here To see our
Sustainable Living Designs
We own the End of the Road Ranch. It is a Sustainable 80 acres learning and living laboratory.
The Ranch is 10 miles from the Pacific Ocean in Oregon. The ranch is surrounded by 20,000+ acres of logging forestland. It is a land locked island of 80 level acres surrounded on two sides by a wild salmon, trout, and steelhead river.
The Ranch is a Sustainable Community. It is NOT a commune, political, environmental, religious, or militia community.
Every member of the Ranch Community is committed to increase their Sustainable Knowledge and to teach at the Sustainable Living Centers.
We own two (2) Centers; These Centers are not located at the Ranch. Both Centers are on Hwy 101 (Pacific Coast Hwy) near Lincoln
City, Oregon 97367. It is where we hold workshops for the public. We do not hold workshops at the Ranch.
Workshops\sessions are weekly with three (3) hours of supervised hands on (doing) sessions and one (1) hour of classroom.
All the material and tools are furnished.
Each session is one of kind session, not a canned repeating
workshop. The sessions are open to the public by reservation and a cost of $25 per session.
The subjects and times change with the seasons. If interested, email for times and subjects that will be covered.
Living at the Ranch (see attached brochure for more details)
When a person becomes a member of the Ranch Community, all fees and costs for the workshops\sessions are waived. A Full RV hook up (water, sewer, and electric) is exchanged of 21 Ranch-Hours of Labor. A person must have a Movable Home (Rig). A self-contained RV, 5th Wheel, or Travel Trailer is required. Tents, tipis, yurts or modular homes are not accepted. There is an opening NOW.
Community Area: There is a deer\elk proofed fenced community garden area. Each Rig is entitled to have a 12’ X 24’ plot.
Farm Animals: Goats, ducks, and
chickens are at the Ranch. Members may have their own animals,
Pets & Kids: - it is depends on the Pets and/or Kids.
Chickens and ducks are free range and have to be protected.
Firearms: - These are encouraged, but not required.
Illegal Substance: No illegal substance allowed or grown on the Ranch including medical or recreational marijuana.
Living at the Center (see attached brochure for more details)
The Center_2 has openings NOW. A person will have a private bedroom and private bath for $350.00/month and receive thirty-two (32) hours of free workshops\sessions.
How to support yourself while you are living on your own Homestead
When a person leaves the Center, they will have knowledge on how to build certain Sustainable Living Designs. They are free to build, market and
sell these products with no royalties and kickback fees.
It is way to provide income while living Sustainable.
Email for more information: