I am currently in the middle of podcast episode #10 of "Visionary Aquaponics" with Maribou Latour. It is an interesting podcast (The Lazy Gardener's Way of Growing Food). The person being interviewed is discussing how their outdoor system waters their newly planted trees. Because of this... their 3yr old trees are about the size of 10yr old trees. They take their excess poo-water from their swirl filters and
feed it to the trees too. This plants seeds from things everywhere and now they have lettuce under their trees that they didn't plant. The excess poo collected in swirl filters tends to be heavy in the stuff that is needed for flowering and fruiting plants. So it works out well. Also, there is discussion of how things/food scraps and such are put back into the system... aka "return of surplus".
So this is something that could turn into a massive discussion that would last weeks. I am no expert on the subject at all. But there are a few things to think about when considering a pump and designing your own system.
1. AC (Alternating Current) or DC (Direct Current) power for the pump.
2. What is the max head height for the particular pump and will it work with your design?
3. What is the flow rate and the head height you want.
3. What is the life expectancy of the pump?
4. How easy is maintenance on the pump and is it rebuildable.
5. What kind of Watts does the pump draw?
6. What style of pump is best for you?
AC power is cheap. So are AC pumps. The opposite seems to go for DC pumps and DC power. So you will have to weigh in on the pros and cons for each.
I personally went with a 12V DC pump. Mainly because I already had one and it did not cost me anything further. Secondly, I wanted to set up at least a micro
Solar System for backup for my home as a way to build resiliency into my life. I can run that pump directly off of the 12V solar system. It laughs at the 6ft head height I ask of it since it can handle 15.8ft. Where most 40W pumps with much higher flow ratings cannot pump water higher than 4 - 6ft it seems (many will though I am sure). Now I can later come back and build towers on top of my grow beds to better make use of my 6ft x 8ft space. So the height capabilities of the pump enable me to further maximize use of space and resources.
My first system is small. Everyone everywhere says to start small and work your way up into larger systems. So my main fish tank is only a food grade 55gal drum I got for $10. They recommend a water exchange rate of at least one per hour. So my pump can handle that pretty easily at 180 gallons per hour at 9.8ft(what it is rated for). So I can upsize my system later on without having to upsize the pump... and even move into a taller space to make a living wall or something cool like that.
My pump is rated for a 30,000 hour life expectancy. That is 3.425 years continuous... or doubles that if you turn it off every night. There are MANY pumps out there that are rated to last much longer than this. Some... like air pumps... can last MUCH longer. I have heard on a few occasions that life expectancy and quality of pump are more important than Watts rating. Because a pump going bad all the time will add up in costs quite quickly through new pump money... lost fish(if stocked densely and no backup air pump is there to switch on) and possibly lost crops that slowly bake to death in the hot sun.
Having a pump that is rebuildable is a good thing. Having one set to the side so you can swap them out for maintenance... or during failure... is a good thing too. I need to get a backup someday. lol Anyways, having the pump in an easily accessible place is a good thing too. Even most sump pumps/submerged pumps can be mounted in-line and taken out of the sump. Since the sump is best placed below ground level (so you can place your growing beds on the ground and have them gravity feed back to the sump). This can come in very handy.
Watts rating and pump style - Now I just recently listened to podcast #6 of "Aquaponics For Everyone" that was an interview with Glen Martinez "About Aquaponics-Permaculture & Airlift Pumps". What an inspiring thought to hear him speak about an 1 acre sized aquaponics system that can be run entirely off of a single 40W air pump pumping water up to a tower that distributes water out everywhere. Does anyone know how much food can be grown off of 40W of air-lift power? I don't... but it has to be a lot if using 6ft food towers and such. Can you imagine? The less energy a system consumes... the more
sustainable and profitable it is. Since money is nothing more than the "representation of units of energy". Compare the 40W of energy to the
tractor, irrigation, chem. fertilizer, and trucking of food across country (or even just across town). If you really can grow 10 times the food per acre then the tractor and such has to cover ten acres to your one. Every acre of food we grow ourselves is 10 acres somewhere else that gets to go back to it's natural state. I personally will not be going for max production. Mainly because I am lazy... and want my system to be more self balancing/low maintenance. Even if I only get 3 times as much food. It is still a good thing. Not to forget to mention how many folks will be drawn to build their own system if they see mine working well.
The air pump systems seem to make my 15W old school pump look worthless. However, I am new. I need something easy and reliable off of the bat that I can wrap my head around easily. I still have the whole system to figure out. Later on down the road I can experiment with airlift once I get settled in. Just changing one thing at a time.
I have seen videos of guys online daisy-chaining pump pressure together. They will do things like stack 2 or 3 pumps with the 3ft or 4ft lift capabilities to get the water up where they want it. Doing this can quickly add up in costs for both Watts used and Dollars for the pumps. Not to mention that a well designed system will only have the pump as the sole moving part to increase reliabily. Adding 2 pumps will double your chances for failure.
The pump is the heart of the system. It can make work on a whole different level if done right. It can make it fail often if done wrong.
EDIT: I need to make a couple EDITs to my above statements. Due to having time to do more research today.
1. Air pumps - Can have a rated life expectancy of up to 15 years and some are rebuildable on the cheap since there are no moving parts.
2. A 40W air pump cannot alone lift water up to a tower to supply a one acre operation. Either I miss heard during my commute... or it was miss spoken during the podcast. I am likely at fault. Sorry. It must get water fed into it from one pump with whatever rate of flow is required. Say something like a 246W ecoplus pump rated to flow 2166 gallons of water an hour (on Amazon for cheap). The airlift will lift that max head height up to great reaches. Essentially lifting the weight of the water off of the pump. Enabling a grower to go vertical and save money on land/build costs... and have a more reliable and economical system.
3. You can use a super small air lift pump to both create a current in the main fish tank of a system and oxygenate the water at the same time. I just may do that when my system gets mature because the fish
poop will pile up in the middle of the tank. The solids lift overflow pipe can pick it up easily then. I already have a 1.5W air pump for making compost tea in 5 gallon buckets.