Mitch Graves : Lots of Your fellow members here at Permies have seen 1 or more variations on the stoves you are interested in ! You may get lucky
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Now a short history of the whole category of ''Mud stoves'' - Yes they can be made in 3rd world countries from
local materials and are much more efficient
And Effective than the 3- stone fires that 40% of the people of the world still use - often Indoors ! It is claimed that the housewife and any young children
are exposed to pollution at an equivalency to a 40 pack a day cigarette habit !
However- All of these ''Mud stoves'' have one major failing - there is no provision made to train the housewife on maintenance. repair and rebuilding !
After an initial period where the housewife is ecstatic with her new kitchen and long after the N.G.O. has left the area there is a failure and the housewife is
unable to make repairs herself ! The resulting word of mouth is not positive and adoption is not attempted or is temporary - back to 3 rock fires !
Overwhelmingly the past practice of various NGOs when this fact has been rubbed in their faces is to attempt to create a new ''Mud stove'' that will not fail in
the same way ! Hundreds of these designs are out there and there is no one model that is better than another! This could be rectified with better materials or
by allowing the Housewife the chance to build the stove and thus have the skills for repairs !
Remember that we are dealing with different cultures here and tradition limits the permissible number of ways the housewife can inter-react with anyone not
a family member ! Many men would consider this a 'woman's world' issue and nothing for them to even consider attempting !
After at least 50 years of failures by various groups to bridge the gap -N.G.O.s are trying to introduce stoves that contain more and more Metal parts that are
mostly non-obtanable in the local economy !
So - As you have successfully proceeded with your build to the point you have reached - I am sure that any future Maintenance / repairs will present NO
special problems to you !
I can offer an outside source for more information, see link Below :
A couple of final thoughts, The persons who could help you with your immediate problem are mostly non American craftsmen many of whom will have english
as a second language but who are unlikely to post here !
Also note that Aprovecho is Two Organizations (a .org and a .net ) both are good well-meaning N.G.O.s that while failing to solve THIS Problem do do a lot of
good in many locations - with more Commercial enterprises !
I hope you found this Timely and Useful, Good Luck and Good Hunting ! For the Good of the crafts ! Big AL