I have not used that type but I don't trust worms to do what experts say they will do. What follows are my thoughts and opinions.
I would use your bottom tote as a worm bin,
feed less and add more bedding so that you don't have the excess liquid.
I would then take that compost and worms and put it thru a flow-thru bin. The worms will work the compost again and will make it even better.
I make flow-thru worm bins that will self-harvest out of 11 to 55-gallon trash cans.
should be a picture of a 23-gallon bin. Cut the access area, use wire, PVC, all-thread, conduit, etc. to support a
cardboard & newspaper false floor and then add your tote compost.
After 2 to 6 months your compost will build-up
enough to be able to remove the false floor and then bin will then start self-harvesting.
Hope this helps.