Tom Tom : Yes it does happen, ask any old firefighter and they will share an array of stories 1st, 2nd, and 3rd hand swapped around over and over again at the station.
Strangely the most common result is most of the windows get blown out of the garage and there is usually very little burning fire directly after the ''Boom".
A more common occurrence is the presence of a Nat Gas or Propane Fired
Water Heater with a standing pilot. Because the Garage is not Heated with a
Wood Stove the
Cold, Dense, Heavier-than-air, gasoline fumes settle onto the floor and eventually find the pilot light; in worse case scenarios garages have collapsed and houses were
knocked off of their foundations, In these cases the potential lack of an immediate fire is not much of a plus !
For the Good of the Crafts ! Big AL