Based on the past several years I wanted to organize an expanded offering at the Krameterhof for English speakers to gain more hands-on practical experience with Holzer Permaculture. I think there is a tremendous amount to be gained form time observing and experiencing the Krameterhof as well. After talking it over in more detail with Josef we came up with an offering I'm really excited about.
This is going to be a very practice based workshop, come ready to get your hands and cloths dirty over an Intensive 10 days of Permaculture in Practice. We'll go over the Agroforestry systems at the Krameterhof, tap a spring for drinking water, harvest a pond, go over the aquaculture systems at the Krameterhof, Animal Husbandry and humane slaughter, Medicinal Herbs, Forest Gardening, Grafting onto wild fruits, Planning in Permaculture, modeling Water Gardens, and more. I can't express how excited I am for what I think people are going to gain from this opportunity.
Water Gardens at the Krameterhof
European Crawfish a very important and lucrative crop at the Krameterhof
Herb Garden at the Krameterhof
This is a Holzer Permaculture workshop all centered around working with the ecosystem of the farm. Participants will experience some of the inner workings of the Krameterhof; not just in theory but in practice so the body knows it as well as the mind and there is no hesitation for action.
In order to provide such a dynamic workshop we have to limit the number of participants to 25. As this is a first time offering, really the first of it's kind, I expect it to sell out fairly quickly. It's very reasonably priced at 1,120 Euros and right now the USD is particularly strong against the Euro. At the time of this post the workshop costs $1,215 USD.
For more on the workshop or to register:
Click Here
Speck House for Curing Meats
Pear Grafted onto Mountain Ash
Sepp has done an amazing job spreading the vision and strategy to establish these systems, he is the strong pioneer that creates opportunities for greater things. This will be the first opportunity for English speakers to really dive into working with ecosystems farming in an effective way on a long term established model landscape. With both the practice of establishment and then the development and harvesting of the ecosystem I feel we are preparing others to restore and regenerate landscapes as efficiently as possible - developing dynamic and synergistic ecosystems.