Alright! So this
should be a very fun
thread to get down with. I am going to share a short story of some police trouble I have had, and I would love to hear from more of you some similar problems!
When I was 23, I was just starting to get my indoor garden set up in my trailer, in a crappy trailer park. I was 2 years away from finishing my
mortgage and 2 years away from moving onto my new homestead (didn't know it even existed yet, click my rat race link in my signature to hear the story).
I was starved for space to garden and the park management would not let me put in anymore garden beds (they allowed 1 at least). I had set up 4 aquaponics systems with ten gallon tanks around my house for greens. But I wanted to turn my walk in closet to a grow room for more sun demanding plants like herbs and tomatoes, strawberries etc.
I figured down the road I would be able to use all the grow room equipment in my
greenhouse for starting seeds on the homestead so it wasnt a complete waste of money. The day I picked up my order from the
local organic garden center, I filled the bed of my truck up with all the equipment. Pulled out and stopped at a light, the light turned green, the car in front of me started to move, and I decided to use that moment to look to the gas station to my left right as I started accelerating. Well the car in front of me stopped abruptly and I smashed into them... TOTALLY MY FAULT... That cities police dept eventually arrived, and it didnt take more than a few minutes before he asked me to step out of the car. Him looking in the truck bed could obviously put the pieces together and must have assumed this young punk is growing weed. So 2 hours later after there are no drugs recovered from my car, after a sobriety test, and after being berated by several cops they eventually gave up searching my truck, and opening and breaking all the
lights in the fixtures. At that point I was handed 3 very stiff tickets that added 5 points to my license, totaling some $600. That along with the enormous increase in insurance broke me. But I couldnt return the majority of the stuff I bought because they damaged all of it...
So since then I have made sure to stay 2 car lengths behind the car in front of me and I try to drive like my grandma. But that winter in the grow room I learned organic theory, how it all works, and by spring I was able to do some amazing organic thing in my outdoor garden. If it wasn't for those cops damaging
my stuff, I would have returned it, if I had organics and natural farming may never have clicked in my head, at least not for a couple more years. If I hadn't had that jumpstart over the winter, I would have never had the balls to put flyers out and find free
land to grow on.
At least I am trying to make something good out of it! Still wish I had just been paying attention and not brainlessly tailgating the car in front of me...
Alright lets here some good stories guys and gals!