Had the most wonderful weather today. Got to dig in the garden all afternoon. Planted
pea seeds for snacking, then spur of the moment decided I needed a
landrace soup pea, so I planted the beginning of that too. Super stoked about spring. Can't wait to find out what I'll plant in the garden tomorrow.
What really got me excited was discovering that I finally reached the 1 foot mark on my garden soil, with the
roots of some weeds growing into the hardpan. This is the start of year three working my Victory Garden. When I first started, it had half an inch of depleted sandy dust that wouldn't even grow weeds. Now it's the most verdant part of the property.
I call this my Victory Garden because I work it like my great grandparents (and their parents, and grandparents...
ad infinitum) worked the
land during the first world war (and before). All the
compost and excess organic matter is trenched. The soil is never left bare. If there is nothing to plant there, I just let the weeds grow so that the soil doesn't blow/erode away. Everything put into the soil is from the farm, most of which grown in the garden itself. I'm so pleased with it. All organic, the only outside soil modification is a light amount of manure (from the hens),
ash from the woodstove and
water from the well. My great grandparents trenched their night soil as well, but modern laws forbid it if I want to
sell the produce.
Now, to rummage through my seeds and discover what I am planting tomorrow. Something green I think. Maybe I'll risk starting some broccoli early. It looks like we are in for an early spring.