Here's the summary, read it and weep.
Things to note: if you aren't in the US and don't export to the US, you can ignore. If you
sell less than $25K per year, almost none of it applies. If you sell less than $250K per year, you get a ramp up period.
I was at a small/urban farms
workshop when the extension office did a presentation, and half of the mandatory training hasn't even been developed yet, so it is very much a work in progress.
If discussion level warrants, we can start separate threads on the key provisions like
water quality, animals and manures, etc.
As the extension officer said, don't shoot the messenger. These rules were under an FDA review process for years. If you don't like 'em now, your recourse is your congressional representatives.
This thread is to discuss how we are moving forward, not how we got here. That train left long ago.