Karen Layne wrote:
Edit: We eat the false ones too.
Karen, I couldn't pass up commenting upon this statement.
Gyromitra esculenta (the false morel, or rather one of them--there are other species as well)
should not be eaten, EVER! I know that some people seem to be able to tolerate them with no ill effects, but the fact is that these mushrooms contain Monomethylhydrazine (MMH), which is a kind of rocket fuel. Seriously. Not 'sort of like rocket fuel', but the real deal -- it is chemically identical to it.
The reason some people can eat them and get away with it is that depending upon species, where you find them, your own tolerances and
pure luck SOME of them have less of this chemical than others. The chance that every gyromitra you find will be one of the relatively harmless ones is really low. You may be lucky once or twice, but eventually you'll get one that contains
enough to make you very ill or even kill you. No kidding! This is not something to take chances with. If you merely get sick, you'll experience nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and some dizziness. If you get a whopping big dose you may just find yourself in a coma and you may never wake up again.
Be safe. Avoid ALL false morels and stick to the very tasty real ones.