Just came back after having had to do some other stuff elsewhere.
The orchard looks, well, apocalyptic.
- Anything green has been entirely burnt off on grapevines, mulberries, sweet chestnuts, kiwis (arguta), black and
honey locusts, paulownia, koelreuteria. Evodia and buddleia only partly but still a horror to look at.
- Apricot leaves don't look as cooked as the ones above but are limp and fruits have split.
- Fruit on sweet cherries and pears has wrinkled and is turning black.
I don't think I've seen such destruction since starting the orchard 8 years ago. Spring was quite early, everything was going full steam ahead and this was a really brutal interruption. I'm not even sure that the youngest plants will survive. Very very sorry so see this since the fruit set was excellent and we were very much looking forward to having the first really abundant harvest.
On to the possible survivors...
- Gooseberries and currants look fine at the moment but not sure if that just means the damage hasn't shown yet.
- Plum and apple trees look sad (like me) but relatively fine. Ditto quince. Might get some fruit there. Some of the apple varieties are quite late to come into leaf/flower (Winterrambour, Rote Sternreinette).
- Peach trees look suspiciously fine - I don't really expect the fruit to survive. The varieties we have are supposed to be more robust than the average but this was brutal.
- Aronia is in flower and is supposed to be quite hardy. Haskaps
should be VERY hardy as they can normally even start flowering at below-freezing temps (they have already finished). Seaberries might be OK. Juneberries (amelanchier) also.
- Raspberries were developing flower buds but I think that even if they were hurt they will regrow and set new buds - we have the everbearing Autumn bliss.
Rain is now forecast followed by another frosty night Wed/Thurs. Chuck Norris might possibly survive after this second wave.
There will be no black locust for the bees this year -- and that's usually the main flow. Crimson clover looks relatively OK and might even be of use to them. Oilseed rape was in full flower when the frost hit but it's in the cabbage family so dunno. The first strong flow that I really expect to be possible in the remainder of the year is from pumpkins and that's mid-June.