I am currently volunteering at Osho gardens in southern Portugal and as per my other posts this week, there are many fruit
trees that were overgrown with weeds and grass. Out of all of them the figs trees (and olive trees) appear to of survived the best. So ill share with you below what i know and have done and hopefully you can help tell me what to do here
- The fit tree has two harvests, one in spring pon last years shoots, and one in autumn in this years shoots. Its spring now and the fruits are a bit hard and not nice.
- It survives in well drained rocky soil but has
deep roots to find
water, it likes water.
- Even though it was doing well i have given it some TLC by clearing the weeds, grass and pulling out wild olive trees growing under it.
- I have even pulled out a handful of new fig trees growing near the main stem with their
roots and potted them into pots.
- We are adding layers of green and brown mulch and leaving
wood chips on top.
- On the larger one there is a few big branches growing along the ground that have not rooted,
should we cut these down?
- I have no idea what to plant around the small one in a guild, any tips? I read it doesn't need a lot of nitrogen. so maybe just plant any other herbs, veg and a shrub that grows here.
- Also there is a large fig tree growing right next to the largest fig tree, about 2 meters next to it. Should we keep both of chop down the smaller one that has less fruit?
thanks so much for your help