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Plants That are Prickly Scrunched up newspaper placed in garden beds also deters raccoons.
Raccoons have very sensitive feet. Because of this, they avoid walking on prickly plants. They will avoid squashes like pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima, U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 to 9). They will also avoid cucumbers (Cucumis sativus, USDA zones 4 to 11), oriental poppies (Papaver orientale, USDA zones 3a to 9a), globe thistle (Echinops ritro, USDA zones 3a to 10a), and "Kentucky Wonder" pole beans ( Phaseolus vulgaris, USDA zones 3 to 10).
Plants That Taste Bad Tomatoes are highly acidic, which may be why raccoons don't like them.
Raccoons have delicate palates and avoid spicy food, so planting Habanero chilies (Capsicum chinense, USDA zones 10 to 11) among the other garden plants will give raccoons a few hot surprises. They are also not fond of tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum, USDA zones 2 to 10) or anything else in the Nightshade family, and will leave these plants alone.
Plants That Smell Bad
There are some plants that raccoons just don't like the smell of. Several members of the mint family fall into this category, especially peppermint (Mentha x piperita "Citrata," USDA zones 3a to 9a). The stronger the smell, the better the deterrent, and peppermint essential oil added to the plants will make them smell stronger. They also don't like garlic (Allium sativum, USDA zones 3 to
so planting garlic bulbs around garden beds and spraying garlic juice around
should keep them away.
Protective Plant Pairings Combining smells, tastes and textures will give raccoons extra reason to leave.
Sweet corn (Zea mays, USDA zones 4 to
is a major target for raccoons, probably because corn provides a high-calorie meal. Planting corn in the traditional
Native American style, with prickly pole beans climbing the stalk and prickly pumpkin vines surrounding the corn will make them think twice. Grapes (Vitis spp., USDA zones 2 to 10) are also a big target, so spraying them with pepper spray will keep them on the vine.
I think we might start with some mint essential oil for the moment, and transplant some garlics around the
trees (there had been onions but they didn't come back much this year)