I have been mowing high and leaving the clippings. The problem is, it's been raining so much. The gass is often wet, and when it's finally dry
enough to mow, it's too long.
The electric mower doesn't really have to power to properly mulch up these longer clippings, and I'm now getting patches that are nothing but brown, clipped grass. I can rake up the thatch, but the bag of corn gluten I applied earlier in the season said that doing that would disturb the weed resistance that the corn gluten (supposedly) provides.
Will this break down on its own? I have a feeling that this is why I always bagged the clippings, but I bought into the "free fertilizer" aspect of leaving the clippings.
I'm trying to avoid the massive crab grass infiltration I had last year.
I also have grubs. I've applied nematodes for several years, but they don't seem to be doing anything. I have milky spore, and was going to add that, too. But these thatchy, dead areas I have at not in the grub infested areas.